One of those things that I see quoted a lot on various magic oriented sites is that one should never cast on someone else without their permission. This is counted up there with other no-no's such as casting 'black' magic or harmful magic, casting for self-gain, or using love spells. I have thoughts on pretty much all of those, but thinking today about casting on other people without their permission.
I do believe we all have our own path, and it can be very hard for me to see what another's path might be. I have enough trouble sometimes seeing what is in my own best interest (not what I want but what is best for me), so of course I don't claim to be able to see what is best for others.
However, I have a lot of people in my life who don't know about my beliefs, and if they did, they might be wary about having spells cast in their name. Prayer they would be okay with, but spells *gasp no not that! I was thinking about this, especially with holidays near, that often the name of something will make someone cringe, but if it was described, they wouldn't know it was something other than what they already believe in or do.
Back to the casting, I've seen people yell at others for even something like sending healing energy to someone without asking first. This one really gets me. There have been plenty of times where it was impractical or even impossible to ask if someone would like healing energy sent their way. That's like saying you should get a signed waver before you perform CPR on someone who isn't breathing. I do understand that sometimes, it isn't meant to be, that not everyone will heal and be healthy again, and that when your time comes, fighting can only make it harder. I tend to think of my healing like offering someone a hand. I send it out, and it is there, if they want to take it, they can use it, if they don't, they don't.
I think in similar terms for blessings. It's very common, amongst people of pretty much every faith, to wish blessings and boons upon their friends and families over the holiday. About half of all the Christmas cards you see in the store offer some kind of wishes for the person receiving the card (the other have just offer some kind of bible verse). What I like about blessings, is that you can be very unspecific in what you bless people with. I don't have to offer health or wealth or a good job or any number of things I might work towards for myself. I can offer happiness or peace of mind or even just send a burst of energy and let the other person use it for whatever they will.
I also take no offense at my Christian (or other faith) friends and family praying for me. I think it is a lovely sentiment, and it is wonderful to me that they care enough about me to think about me when they pray. I find it a bit absurd that someone can feel it okay to light a candle and bless a friend but then get offended that someone said a prayer and lit a candle in a church for them.
In this holiday season, I want to share my blessings with the world! I want to send energy to whomever might need it. I see nothing wrong with this, and have no intention of stopping just because some might find fault. So brightest blessings to you all!!!