Well, I'm back to having problems with the negative energy in my house. Let me lay out the problem so you all can get a feel for what I'm dealing with. Hopefully it will help you guys help me come up with a plan for dealing with this on a long term basis.
My roommates adult son lives with us. He is a diabetic and disabled. He's very manipulative and likes starting problems. He has no where else to go because no one else will allow him to live with them because he has already burnt all his bridges with other family members. Of course my roommate feels like she has no choice but to deal with him because he's her son with no where else to go. He, of course, knows she feels this way and antagonates her every chance he gets.
My oldest daughter recently moved back home after ending a bad relationship and my roommate's son has been making sexual comments to her and lurking around every where she is in the house to the point where she's trying find another place because he's creeping her out.
He's also gotten to where he's trying to manipulate my grandchildren that live with and doing things to cause them to get in trouble. For example, I let my grandson use my headphones over the weekend and when my grandson laid them down on the counter instead of the computer, my roommates son took them, knowing that I would be very upset that my grandson had lost them. The headphones conveniently turned back up yesterday after we had turned the house upside down and I had punished my grandson by grounding him from computer games because he lost my headphones.
This is the kind of stuff that has been going on for several months now. It started with him just antagonizing his mother, then being manipulative with the kids, now grossing out my daughter. All of which are really upsetting me but I'm not allowed to say anything to him because it will just fall back on my roommate who doesn't want to deal with him.
He is one of the most negative people I've ever met. His negative energy and manipulative and antagonism is really wearing on the rest of the people in the house. I've tried meditating, burning sage and usuing positive energy but he negative energy has gotten so strong that it seems to be over powering anything I'm doing to counter it.
I'm at the point of trying just about anything that's not going to cause to much karmic damage to me. I want his energy blocked so that he can't hurt the rest of us. Any suggestions?
Does the son have a job? This may be a good idea. If he is not able to get a "regular" job, LifeSkills does many useful jobs. He could apply there too.
Also, he may be able to get an apartment with his friends or people he meets at the new job. Counseling may also help. Your choice who to ask to moderate.
The son may have problems, but may be able to live on his own and be around same-age friends. The problems may or may not be something he does on purpose. Hope this helps.
Tough one! You, of course, must do what you feel is right, but my first thought would be to get your housemate (the mother who owns the house) to talk to you about it) tricky, I realize. Is she the Physical owner of the house? i believe that it might be difficult to resolve unless the actual owner (which would carry magickal authority) agrees that there is a problem. Could start mundanely with a conversation about it, gently, possibly using some of the classical calm inducing environment enhancers, such as sage, or lavender, or my personal favorite is sandalwood. The two of you could then have a conversation with the son. E's theory about Lifeskills is also a good one. If your feeling like it isn't going to happen and work, I would then seriously think about binding him, or banishing him, though to be kind (which he possibly doesn't deserve) I start with binding him, to keep his energy to himself. More theories on Banishing soon but I wanted to see what others had for you.
sorry, meant to say more theories on Binding soon.
Elizabeth, the son will never have a job. He's had them for short term before but uses his diabetes as an excuse not to work. He will actually let himself get almost deathly sick in order to get out of having any kind of job or responisiblity. My roommate has bought him mobile homes, moved him into apartments and he refuses to take responsiblity for his places or himself so we are really stuck with him with no recourse. No one else will allow him to live with them, no one. Patty, I'm working on my roommate and I've been using the sage. Banishing him I'm afraid will probably be out of the question but binding his negative energy to himself could be a real possibility. We must discuss this further.
I'm wondering if his negativity couldn't just be bound to him, where it doesn't rub off on anyone, and he has his own little raincloud? Maybe he could then also rethink his personal negativity investment, if that is possible. Hmm must think and research more. Back soon :)
Okay, got some theories for you. starting after the Full Moon (or now, if you don't want to wait) You can pick and choose among them. When he is out of the house for a while, or sequestered in his room. Picture, printed from a digital camera of ONLY him, hair of his, and his Full name. can cover his name completely with yours-(Love BLack Sharpie )demonstrates your control over him (Can say "I cover you, I cross you, i command you , I compel you...and then you can state what you compel him to do, if you have a specific, such as "Keep your negative feelings, engergies, agenda, etc to yourself" Rewrite in your own words, project your annoyance, anger, power as you say it. Fold it Up away from you. Can pot it in a plant outside, or inside, a cactus is good, or tie it up with a colored thread of your choice, including his hair(purple is for power and command, red is for life energy, blood..), Powerfully pulling the knots tight, usually in 3s (3 knots, 6, 9, etc) Think again on how annoyed you are, and how you want him to stop. Can dispose of paper far from house, if you think you can banish him, such as in the river, in a trashcan you don't frequent often and don't look back, at a crossroads you don't frequent often..Or in a small Jar at the house, filled with Vinegar, or 4th thieves vinegar, and when he is getting annoying, shake the jar. Can also burn a purple candle with his name and birthdate, scratched out by yours while you shake the jar. cleanse the house thoroughly, esp a floorwash of salt, water and vinegar, can add other herbs to it, like sage, or rosemary, can also add powdered egg shell to it, or make it into a room spray, or a carpet powder using baking soda, move from his room all through the house, concentrating on door and window sills and dark corners.
you can personally wear Black Tourmaline, or Carnelian to keep annoying energy from you, might also want to personally bathe with salt when you are done. Can do other things, or not any of these things. Just theories I had. We can also discuss if you are there tommorrow.
Thanks Patty. I think we are going to do the cleansing on the full moon. My roommate is very excited about your suggestions.
The son has but only one friend, and he's not much better he also needs to be at LifeSkills,but they both think their are fine and have no problems,and there right,done it all know it all. And love to start argurments.I think Patty has a good idea maybe this mum needs to try some of these suggestion, it sounds like the mum is a prisoner in her own home, if any thing it may make her feel like she has contol of something..
We truly wish he would consider Lifeskills but he staunchly refuses to do any thing that would require him to have a job of any kind. He has a buddy who offers him work all the time. He'll work a day or two then let himself get sick so he has an excuse not to work. We are going try Patti's idea. It is very hard for his mom because she feels like she has no recourses for dealing with him. Hopefully Patti's plan will work. :)
Patty, your ideas are working like a charm. The atmosphere at the house is getting better and my roommate really likes having the the jar available to shake when ever her son gets on her nerves. Thank you so much for your help!
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