Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dealing with other people's negative energy.
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Patty and I had a wonderful discussion about how to deal with other people's negative energy and it's effect on you yesterday. She had some wonderful suggests about pulling from the Earth's energy and meditations which have had an interesting effect. What started the conversation is that I am having a problem with the powerful negative energy from a person living in my house. Unfortunately circumstances will not really allow for either of us to leave permanently so I needed to find a way of dealing with the negative energy within the situation and within myself. Surprisingly, today after a wonderful meditation secession I found the this person's energy didn't bother me as much and my naturally strong empathy forces started to play in. This helped me see this person in a different light which I think will help with dealing with their negative energy. I was curious as to what other people may have to say about this subject. Hopefully a lot. :)
I definitely agree that meditation is a great way to help remain centered in a storm of outside energy. Even with shielding, I sometimes have trouble with being around a lot of people (it's one of those slow, wearing issues, where you don't notice how bad it's gotten until you are about to collapse). And I find that people who are closer to me (emotionally) have a bigger impact on I react much more strongly to my family's energy than to stranger's. One thing that works very well for me is to buck up my personal shields and remind myself that while their energy may be surrounding me, how I react to it is MY choice. Often that is enough to let it wash over me and leave me less affected.
This is true Kylara. I have to really work on keeping my personal shields up though. I've really let them down over the past several years and have taken a pretty good emotional beating up as a result. Peace my friends.
Kylara-I Completely agree with the problems with other people's energy issue. I can't go ii nto Walmart without an mp3 player to drown out the craziness. I can't go into restaurants if more than 2/3 of the seats are full. I won't go see movies if I think i'll have to sit next to strangers- luckily I have 2 housemates. I CAN put up with other people's energy, but more than 15 minutes and I have had enough. I do better if the energy of a crowd is unified, like a concert, where people are also very excited, rather intoxicating.
I am also working on trying to stay away from negative energy and sometimes this means not being around some people that encourage that feeling.
Sometimes a situation or person is just too negative or hurtful/selfish to take for long, and I must choose to do something else OR think about something else. It's a learning process.
But I do want to help people who are going through hard times. I have to judge for myself how much time to be around people who are very depressed or negative and need help. Sometimes I try to guide these people to another person, like a counselor.
I guess everyone has a different threshold. It's important to do whatever is necessary to preserve your own centeredness and equilibrium though, especially if you are sensitive.
Some people or situations can affect me in a negative way, and it is up to me to help them in a way that does not hurt myself in the process.
Sometimes to me that means breaking a connection, but I feel I am stronger now about that than I used to be, and more able to help without becoming too upset or negative myself.
I am hopefully also more comfortable with myself than I used to be. Question: is being around a negative friend (or family member...) worth the pain of what they do or how they make you feel? Sometimes not.
I agree that meditation can be a real help, as is consciously taking your mind OFF the negative things and concentrating on other things. This takes a lot of mind control for me and is easier said than done, but has improved with practice.
If there are personal attacks involved (verbal or otherwise) shielding visualizations plus affirmations and other more customized work can also help me "bounce things off" and feel a lot better. I use my personal library to help me with some of these techniques.
Every human has to deal with others' negative assaults, from playground to workplace. It *is* very true that meditation can help, or even simply redirecting your energies to something else away from the hostile environment.
I believe the truth though is that some people truly do need to be told to shove off. We are a polite society that puts up with a great deal of negativity, and I think consistently negative people will take advantage of that until someone calls them on it.
I wish I could say I've learned this lesson. I suspect it may not be something one can ever learn to perfection.
I definitely agree Pyanfar that no one can permanently block negative energy. I thought what Patty said about only being able to take about 15 minutes in the presence of someone with negative energy was about all she could take. I'm totally the same way. It's frustrating when you in a position or place where you can't get away from that energy. So far the meditating is helping and the trying to ground myself and bring in positive Earth energy works real well. In fact I had to take a moment to ground myself this weekend and the I guess it offended the person who was giving me bad energy so he left the room. :)
I think Pyanfar brings up an important point, that sometimes you have to tell certain people their behavior is unacceptable. I think society likes us to turn the other cheek ALL the time, and this lets people who take advantage of this and behave horribly walk all over everyone. I'm all for being polite, but if an adult can't behave themselves, a polite warning (followed by a less polite one if they don't heed the first) can be entirely appropriate.
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