Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I statements

One of the things I see a lot is discussions about magical topics devolving into two or more people who feel absolutely that their way is right, based on their own personal experiences, and refusing to accept another view because it doesn't fit with what they do or know or see.

I think that in our quest to explore the unknown and find answers to those tough questions in life, we forget that it is okay to be wrong, to be unsure, to NOT have an answer to every question out there. But more than that, there isn't JUST one single answer to many of these questions. My way can lead me to different answers than your way. My experiences may be completely contrary to yours. We can BOTH be right.

It is easy to forget, when trying to express one's self, that there is a difference between saying "that isn't what I see" and "this is how it is!". I see a lot of occult thought that revolves around divorcing one's self from the ego, removing the word 'I' from one's vocabulary, or removing the individual perspective by focusing solely on the bigger picture.

But I think it is important to keep a strong hold on the self sometimes. What I see is important, and stating clearly that my point is based on what I have seen or experienced makes it less confrontational. Most people aren't trying to say that you didn't see what you saw, but merely trying to say they saw something different.

I statements (I saw, I think, I feel, I believe), these are tools that help us express ourselves in ways that help other people to listen without feeling judged. They don't make other people feel inadequate, or incompetent. We aren't in competition with each other! One person's success doesn't hold us back in any way. If someone does something differently, more power to them, and more power to you for doing what works for you! Strive to push yourself further than you have gone and forget trying to catch up to anyone else.


Greyer Notions said...

Well said, Kylara! I feel that this is a collage Universe, so my universe is made up of the Truths I have seen out of all that I have seen, and other people's universes will be made up out of the Truths they have seen out of all that they have seen. Our Truths will be different, but all True. If you have all the answers there would be no more reason to look, and then what fun would that be? :)

M.E. Tudor said...

I agree with Patty Kylara. We all how our own realities, even shared realities are not perceived the same way by all the people involved. You and I might be at the same event, seeing the exact same thing but both of us have very different feelings and reactions based on our own personal beliefs, thoughts and experiences. Lovely conversation. :)