Monday, May 23, 2011

Phantom of the Theatre

Ever since I was young, I was involved in theatre in some fashion, mostly acting but technician work as well. Every theatre I worked in had some sort of specter, wraith, ghost or phantom. These spirits are usually guardians of the theatre, but also trickster spirits who are like Macavity from T. S. Elliot’s Book of Practical Cats : “Macavity, Macavity, there's no on like Macavity,He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare,And when you reach the scene of crime--Macavity's not there!”You would hear a crash in the lighting booth or your props would end up missing from their spot and you would find them on stage, but when you went to investigate the scene there would be nothing there. You may say it was a coincidence, or Murphy’s Law, but all actors will tell you it is the ghost of the theatre. The Elizabeth Playhouse in Elizabeth, NJ had the Victorian Girl, and The Sunday School Teacher, Murray State University’s Theatre Department, in Murray, KY has Vincent, The Star City Playhouse in Roanoke, Va had the presence of a little girl, and in my theatre in Glasgow we had a spirit in the Bunche Center named Mable. People would see the spirits on the stage fixing curtains, arranging the make-up room, and walking into closed tech shops. Theatres even place out ghost lights and stage managers wish the ghost good night before they lock up the theatre. Also most actors will tell you when they ask how you learned your lines they will say “I don’t know?” Most actors will say they “got into character”, I believe it maybe a little more. Once you step on stage you are no longer are yourself, you become a person in another place. It is a light form of possession, when you remove the make-up you remove the spirit of the character. I wondered why Theatres gathered so much spirit energy; Dorian and I were discussing this at a Consortium meeting in the back of a theatre actually. Dorian and I concluded that theatre is areas of intense emotion were unintentional invocation and evocation. By doing this it creates a bright beacon of light that pierces the veil and allows supernatural spirits to enter.I have never run into a malevolent spirit like in Phantom of the Opera, these are more friendly spirits who have found a home of energy and excitement. I personally thank all the spirits that have come to me in my years at the Theatre; and hope to watch you perform and trick on the stage.


Kylara said...

I haven't done a lot of work with the Theater, but I did spend a couple of years in high school working tech (backstage), and a lot of my friends were involved in the theater in one way shape or form.

I hadn't really thought about it before reading your post, but there are a lot of ways in which a production is very similar to a ritual. There is distinct preparation, often there is even a prayer or blessing before a show. Putting on a costume and getting into character are very similar to the way that many people dress for ritual (to help them be in a magical mindset).

It really doesn't surprise me that the spirits attracted to theater are benevolent. There is so much positive energy involved not only behind the scenes and on stage, but also feedback from the audience. There is a powerful group dynamic that builds between members of a production, and it only makes sense to me that helpful spirits would be drawn to and want to be a part of the group and help out in whatever ways they can.

CLW said...

This may be a little off the subject but do you think individuals that have passed on....crossed over...whatever verbage you want to use....do you think they really know about the "goings on" in their loved ones lives. What I mean is, for example, do you think that my ancestors who have left their earthly form have an understanding of what is going on in my life. I know this is a rather involved subject but it intrigues me to think that my ancestors can "check up on me." I know I can feel my sister around me at times (she passed on 5 years ago). But I wonder if I can just 'feel' her presence or if she is really aware...am I making sence at all??

Greyer Notions said...

CLW, here we enter into the realm of speculation and opinon, but the question is a very good one. I hope we can get several people to reply yo you. I'll start. I used to believe, even as a Witch, that you got one life, and it was your job to be the best person you could be, as I also didn't believe in an afterlife. both of my parents had died in my early 20's so I think my thoughts had to do with not wanting to be rejected by them in an afterlife. I believed that we were melted down and reused, which was fine by me. I also felt that reincarnation was equally improbable. As I got to hang out with other different flavors of pagans, including some who did more ancestral work, I began to revise my opinion. I keep an ancestor altar non, dedicated to Ancestors of my physical bloodline, Ancestors of my spiritual bloodline, and Ancestors of my Heart. the more I feed them, the more i feel them, giving me thoughts, answers. and my Familiar, Randolph, showed back up after passing. do I feel them because I want to, and it makes me feel all cozy, possibly. My Cat was a surprise, though, as I didn't know that cats did that, so based on Randolph, I believe that things, people, spirits, that you pay attention to, will pay attention to you. I think your love calls to them, so they return that love and attention. I am sure there are other ways to do it, and would love to hear more opinions. i personally really enjoy working an ancestor altar. You could do it more unobtrusively than I do, if you don't want people to ask about it. I have pictures up of the main people I am honoring, along with a copy of a geneology list, for ancestors I don't have a picture of, a glass of water, a candle, incense burner, plate for food when I have something I know they will like, such as family favorites.. etc., black coffee with whiskey, depends on what your ancestors like. I feed mine once a week,and change the water at least that often. I pray at it, and tell them I love them, and tell them my concerns. Randolph sometimes jumps up on the bed, or rubs past someones ankle, or digs a little into my other cats crunchies (nope, I can't prove that last one, but I hear a cat crunchy noise and no visible cats)

Kylara said...

I'm in the camp of people who thinks that the afterlife is what you truly believe it is. I think that some people become one with everything and more or less cease to be their own individuality, and others go on to some form of paradise or alternate existence, and some reincarnate.

As far as understanding what is going on in our lives, I think that it definitely is something that they would understand, although the longer it has been since they were living a physical life would effect on what level they comprehend things.

Besides the fact that some (more modern and technological things) might just be something they never encountered, my gut instinct is that those beyond have more to do than just watch all of us living. As time passes, certain things that are unique to the living might become slightly fuzzy. I think the long dead might respond on a more purely emotional/instinctual level, empathizing with the emotions involved in actions rather than the actions themselves. Kind of like they see and deal with the heart of the matter rather than the details.